``I have been here forever.``
``I do everything here.``
``We have a great time here at work``
``I'm not particularly good at any one thing.``
``If I had a super power, it would be a mute button.``
``I'm one of like 17 Megan's that work here.``
``I work hard, and I really keep Doug on his toes.``
``We have a REALLY good time``
``Monty is a great guy to work for``
``This place is good``
``I don't know, surprised I haven't been fired yet``
``I bring a good party...Good house party atmosphere``
``Do a beer shooter with me.``
``This is what you look forward to``
``A lot of great people, all around great time``
``I teach Monty how to play ball``
``Beer and the women keep me coming back``